Featured product

Cello theme provides a section, namely "Featured product". In this section, you can add a product to Shopify by entering product details and uploading product images. If your product has options, like size or color, then you can add a variant for each combination of options.

You can view, add, update, and organize all of your products and their variants from the "Products page" in the Shopify admin.



Enter text to display as a title in the section.

Heading size

Following is the heading size customization of the of the featured product section:

  • Small

  • Medium

  • Large

Heading alignment

Following is the heading alignment customization of the of the featured product section:

  • Left

  • Center

  • Right

Background image

Show background image in featured product section.

Enable small container

By enabling this checkbox, you can set small container in featured product section.


Select a product to display selected product in the section.


Desktop media width You will find customizations for adjusting the desktop media width within this section:

  • Small

  • Medium

  • Large

Constrain media to screen height By enabling this checkbox, you can limit the height of media to the screen height. Media fit

The Media fit customization setting is as follows:

  • Original

  • Fill

Product image in two column

By enabling this checkbox, you can set product image in two column.

Disable section background

By enabling this checkbox, you can disable section background in featured product section.

Hide thumbnails

By enabling this checkbox, you can hide thumbnail image in featured product section.

Desktop media position

The desktop media position customization setting is as follows:

  • Left

  • Right

Image zoom

The Image zoom customization setting is as follows:

  • Open lightbox

  • Click and hover

  • No zoom

Hide other variants By enabling this checkbox, you can hide other variants’ media after selecting a variant.

Enable video looping Enabling "Play video on loop" will result in the video continuously looping. When the video finishes playing, it will automatically restart. Enable share icon By enabling this checkbox, you can show share icon.

Color scheme

In this section, you can change the background and foreground color of a section using the color scheme.

  • Scheme 1

  • Scheme 2

  • Scheme 3

  • Scheme 4

  • Scheme 5

Show secondary background

By enabling this checkbox, you can show secondary background.

Add block

Following are the blocks you can add to your “featured product”.



Text Enter text to display as a Discription in the "Text" block. Text style

Customization of the "Text style" in the featured product section is as follows:

  • Body

  • Subtitle

  • Uppercase


Following is the font size customization of the heading of the section:

  • Small

  • Medium

  • Large

Stock countdown

"Stock countdown" is for customizing the product stock.

Maximum stock Adjust maximum the stock for the stock countdown. Maximum product stock can be given up to "200".

Limit stock cut off Adjust the limited stock cut-off for the stock countdown.

Limit stock message Display limit stock message.

In stock message Display the "In stock" message.

Continue selling message Display the "Continue selling" message. Colors Customize the colors of Limited stock, In stock and Continue selling text.


This block has no customizable settings. After adding this block, you will be able to view the product price.


Show product "SKU" for your featured product section.

Customization of the "Text style" in the featured product section is as follows:

  • Body

  • Subtitle

  • Uppercase

Quantity selector

Show "Quantity selector" for your featured product section.


Show "Social detail" for your featured product section.

Variant picker

"Variant picker" is to customize the product variant.

Type The variant type is given below. If type "Dropdown" then the variant would be dropdown. and if the type is "Pills" then the variant would be pills.

  • Dropdown

  • Pills

Enable color swatches By enabling this checkbox you can show the "Variant color."

Buy buttons

Enable the Show dynamic checkout buttons box to display any dynamic checkout options enabled by you in your payments settings.

Enable the Show recipient information form for gift card products box to display gift recipient form


After adding this block, you will be able to view the product description.


Clickable text that allows customers to share the product on social media. Text Input the text to be displayed in this section

Share button

Enabling the checkbox below will display the share button.

  • Share on Facebook

  • Tweet on Twitter

  • Pin on Pinterest

Custom Liquid

Add Apps.

Product rating

Displays the average product rating in stars with the number of reviews in parenthesis.

Icon with text


Icon with text layout customizations in a page are as follows:

  • Horizontal

  • Vertical

Content : First icon

  • None

  • Apple

  • Banana

  • Bottle

  • Box

  • Carrot

  • Chat bubble

  • Check mark

  • Clipboard

  • Dairy

  • Dairy free

  • Dryer

  • Eye

  • Fire

  • Gluten free

  • Heart

  • Iron

  • Leaf

  • Leather

  • Lightning bolt

  • Lipstick

  • Lock

  • Map pin

  • Nut free

  • Pants

  • Paw print

  • Pepper

  • Perfume

  • Plane

  • Plant

  • Price tag

  • Question mark

  • Recycle

  • Return

  • Ruler

  • Serving dish

  • Shirt

  • Shoe

  • Silhouette

  • Snowflake

  • Star

  • Stopwatch

  • Truck

  • Washing

First image Use the first image to add to the section. First heading To display the heading for the icon with text block, add text here.

Last updated