
The Map Section allows you to embed a map on your Shopify store, providing customers with a visual representation of your store's location. This section is particularly useful for brick-and-mortar businesses looking to showcase their physical presence or for online stores looking to highlight specific locations, such as event venues or points of interest.


Make section full width

By enabling this checkbox, you can make full width section.


Enter text to display as a title in the section.

Heading size

Following is the font size customization of the heading of the section:

  • Small

  • Medium

  • Large


Enter text to display as a description in the section.

Description style

Customization of the "Description style" in the map section is as follows:

  • Body

  • Subtitle

  • Uppercase

Google maps embed code

Show your shop's location in google maps. you can find the embed code by searching your store in google maps, clicking 'Share' and then choosing 'Embed a map'.

Content alignment

Customization of the "Content alignment" in the map section is as follows:

  • Left

  • Center

  • Right

Content color scheme

In this section, you can change the background and foreground color of a section using the color scheme.

  • Scheme 1

  • Scheme 2

  • Scheme 3

  • Scheme 4

  • Scheme 5

Modifying the color of the background on hover will result in a corresponding color change for the collection card hover background. Modifying the color of the text on hover will result in a corresponding color change for the Collection card hover text.

Add block

To add blocks to the Map section, click on the 'Add Content'. There are many options available similar to the Map.



Enter text to display as a title in the section.


Enter text to display as a subheading in the section.


Enter text to display as a description in the section.

Button label

Use "Button label" to add a label to the Button in the section.

Button link

Use "Button link" to add a link to the Button in the section.

Button style

Customization of the "Button style" in the map section is as follows:

  • Link

  • Outline button

  • Solid button

Last updated