Blog posts

The blog section is for showing blogs and users can also use this to upload information about the theme’s latest collection and news.

To add a Blog, go to Blog posts > Add blog post Add multiple blogs.


Color scheme

In this section, you can change the background and foreground color of a section using the color scheme.

  • Scheme 1

  • Scheme 2

  • Scheme 3

  • Scheme 4

  • Scheme 5



Enter text to defines the main heading of the section.

Text color

You can customize the foreground color of the heading by using the color option.


Following is the font size customization of the heading of the section:

  • Small

  • Medium

  • Large


Customization of the "Alignment" in this is as follows:

  • Left

  • Center


Click on "Select blog" to show the blogs in the section and select the blog collection.

Display type

Customization of the "Display type" in the blog posts is as follows:

  • Grid

  • Carousel

Number of blog posts to show

"Number of blog posts to show" is to specify how many blog posts to show in a section. You can show a minimum of “2” and a maximum of “6” blog posts.

Number of columns on desktop

"Number of columns on desktop" is to customize the column on the desktop screen. You can show a minimum of “1” and a maximum of “5” blog posts.

Card color scheme

In this section, you can change the background and foreground color of the card using the color scheme.

  • Scheme 1

  • Scheme 2

  • Scheme 3

  • Scheme 4

  • Scheme 5

Card position

Customization of the "Card position" in the blog posts is as follows:

  • Vertical

  • Horizontal


Customization of the "Style" in the blog posts is as follows:

  • Standard

  • Card

Show border around card

Enable this checkbox to show border around the artical card.

Border color

Customize border color using this setting.

Text alignment

Customization of "Text alignment" is as follows:

  • Left

  • Center

  • Right

Featured image height

In the section, Image size customization is as follows.

  • Adapt to image

  • Small

  • Medium

  • Large

Blog title size

Customization of "Blog name size" is as follows:

  • Small

  • Medium

  • Large

Show date

By enabling this checkbox you can show “Blog date” in the section.

Show author

By enabling this checkbox you can show “Blog author” in the section.

Show comments

By enabling this checkbox you can show “Blog comments” in the section.

Show excerpt

By enabling this checkbox you can show excerpt in the blog posts cards.

Excerpt size

Customization of "Excerpt size" is as follows:

  • Small

  • Medium

  • Large

Show tags

By enabling this checkbox you can show tags in the section.

Show tags over the image

By enabling this checkbox you can show tags over the image in the section.

Tag background color

Customize tag background color to set color code in this setting.

Tag foreground color

Customize tag text color to set color code in this setting.

Show read more button

By enabling this checkbox, you can see "Read more" button.

Read more style

Customization of the "Read more" style in the blog posts section is as follows:

  • Link

  • Outline

  • Solid

"View all" button

"View all" button By enabling this checkbox, you can see "View all" button if list includes more blog posts than shown.


Use "Label" to add a label to the Button in the section.


Customization of the "View all" style in the blog posts section is as follows:

  • Link

  • Outline

  • Solid


Customization of the "View all button position" style in the blog posts section is as follows:

  • Top

  • Bottom



This feature specifies the design and appearance of pagination controls like below:

  • None

  • Dots

  • Arrows

Disable arrows in mobile

Enable this checkbox to hide slider arrow from this section in mobile device.

Enable autoplay

Enable this checkbox to automatically rotate the images in the blog posts.

Autoplay interval

Use the bar to set the auto-rotate time of the blog posts slide. You can set a minimum of “3” seconds and a maximum of “9” seconds.

Add block(Social media)

To add blocks to the Blog posts section, click on the 'Add block'.

There are 'Social media' option available , as you can see in the below points and screenshot.




Enter text to defines the main heading of the Social media block.

Text color

You can customize the foreground color of the heading by using the color option. This will only applicable when heading is set to bold.


Following is the font size customization of the heading of the section:

  • Small

  • Medium

  • Large


Customization of the "Alignment" in this is as follows:

  • Left

  • Center

Social account

Add block(Collapsible content)

To add blocks to the Blog posts section, click on the 'Add block'.

There are 'Collapsible content' option available , as you can see in the below points and screenshot.




Enter text to defines the main heading of the Social media block.

Text color

You can customize the foreground color of the heading by using the color option. This will only applicable when heading is set to bold.


Following is the font size customization of the heading of the section:

  • Small

  • Medium

  • Large


Customization of the "Alignment" in this is as follows:

  • Left

  • Center

View all button


Use "Label" to add a label to the Button in this block.


Use "Link" to add a Button link in this block.


Customization of the "View all" style in this block is as follows:

  • Link

  • Outline

  • Solid


First Heading

Enter text to display First heading as a question in the section.

First open toggle content

By enabling this checkbox, you can show open collapsible row.

First row content

Enter text to display row content as a answer in this block.

Last updated