
The newsletter section allows you to collect your audience's email addresses, keeping them informed about your latest news, promotions, and updates. It's a powerful tool for building customer relationships, driving conversions, and growing your business.


Color scheme

In this section, you can change the background and foreground color of a section using the color scheme.

  • Scheme 1

  • Scheme 2

  • Scheme 3

  • Scheme 4

  • Scheme 5


Customization of the "Layout" in this section is as follows:

  • Wide

  • Container


Use "Image" to add the image to the section.

Desktop layout

Customization of the "Desktop layout" in this section is as follows:

  • Content first

  • Image first

Content alignment

To change the position of the content, utilize the "Desktop content alignment" setting. Customization of the "Desktop content alignment" in the newsletter section is as follows:

  • Left

  • Center

  • Right

Add block

To add block to the Newsletter section, click on the 'Add block'. There are many options available , as you can see in the below points and screenshot.



Text Enter text to display as a title in the section. Size

Following is the font size customization of the heading in the section:

  • Small

  • Medium

  • Large


Description Click on the "Add block" and select the paragraph. And enter text to display as a description on the section.

Last updated