Featured collection

Ideal for sales displays a collection of products such as new arrivals or adding products to any area of your store.


Color scheme

In this section, you can change the background and foreground color of a section using the color scheme.

  • Scheme 1

  • Scheme 2

  • Scheme 3

  • Scheme 4

  • Scheme 5


Customization of the "Layout" in this section is as follows:

  • Wide

  • Container



Enter text to display as a caption in the section.


Enter text to defines the main heading of the section.

Text color

You can customize the foreground color of the heading by using the color option.


Following is the font size customization of the heading of the section:

  • Small

  • Medium

  • Large


Customization of the "Alignment" in this is as follows:

  • Left

  • Center


Enter text to display as a description in the section.

Show collection description

By enabling this checkbox, you can show collection description from the admin.

Description size

Customization of the "Description style" in the featured collection section is as follows:

  • Small

  • Medium

  • Large

Show section countdown

By enabling this checkbox, you can show section countdown.

Countdown text color

You can customize the color of the countdown section by using the color option.

End date

Add date here. The end date must be set to a future date and include the following format: YYYY/MM/DD Example: 2022/10/05.


Select a collection to display products in the section.

Maximum products to show

"Maximum products to show" is to specify how many products to show in a section. You can show a minimum of “2” and a maximum of “10” products.

Number of columns on desktop

"Number of columns on desktop" is to customize the column on the desktop screen. You can show a minimum of “3” and a maximum of “5” products.

Number of rows

"Number of rows" is to customize the row on the desktop screen. You can show a minimum of “1” and a maximum of “2” row.

Disable quick view button

By enabling this checkbox, you can hide quick view button from this section.

Disable Add to cart button

By enabling this checkbox, you can hide add to cart button of this section.

Disable variants and quantity

By enabling this checkbox, you can hide varinats and quantity from this section.

Product number

Show number over the image

Enable this checkbox to show number on image of this section.

Background color

You can customize the background color of the number by using the color option.

Foreground color

You can customize the foreground color of the number by using the color option.

Border color

You can customize the border color of the number by using the color option.

Corner radius

"Corner radius" is to customize the radius of number in the section. You can set radius minimum “0” and a maximum “40” px.



The style of the navigation that appears below the images:

  • None

  • Dots

  • Arrows

Disable arrows in mobile

Enable this checkbox to hide slider arrow from this section in mobile device.

Enable autoplay

Enable this checkbox to automatically rotate the images in the featured collection. Autoplay interval Use the bar to set the auto-rotate time of the product slide. You can set a minimum of “3” seconds and a maximum of “9” seconds.

View all button

Enable "View all" button By enabling this checkbox, you can see "View all" button if list includes more products than shown.


Use "Label" to add a label to the Button in the section.


Customization of the "View all" style in the featured collection section is as follows:

  • Link

  • Outline

  • Solid


Customization of the "View all button position" in the featured collection section is as follows:

  • Top

  • Bottom

Last updated