Blog posts
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Last updated
The blog section is for showing blogs and users can also use this to upload information about the theme’s latest collection and news.
To add a Blog, go to Blog posts > Add blog post Add multiple blogs.
Enter text to display as a title in the section.
Heading size
Following is the font size customization of the heading of the section.
Heading alignment
Following is the heading alignment customization of the section:
Heading color
In this section, you can change the background and foreground color of a heading using the color scheme.
Scheme 1
Scheme 2
Scheme 3
Scheme 4
Scheme 5
Display spacing around heading
By enabling this checkbox, you can see spacing around heading.
Enter text to display as a description in the section.
Description style
Customization of the "Description style" in the Blog posts section is as follows:
Button label
Use "Button label" to add a label to the Button in the section.
Enable "View all" button
By enabling this checkbox, you can see "View all blogs" button, if blog includes more blog posts than shown.
View all button position
Following is the button position customization of the section:
"View all" style
Customization of the "View all" style in the blog posts section is as follows:
Outline button
Solid button
Slider arrow position
Customization of the "Slider arrow position" style in the blog posts section is as follows:
Click on "Select blog" to show the blogs in the section and select the blog collection.
Blog posts "Direction" is as follows:
Featured image height
In the section, Image size customization is as follows.
Adapt to image
Number of blog posts to show
"Number of blog posts to show" is to specify how many blog posts to show in a section. You can show a minimum of “2” and a maximum of “12” blog posts.
Number of columns on desktop
"Number of columns on desktop" is to customize the column on the desktop screen. You can show a minimum of “2” and a maximum of “4” blog posts.
Show featured image
By enabling this checkbox you can show the “Blog image” in the section.
Date position
To change the position of the date, utilize the "Date position" setting. Customization of the "Date position" in the testimonial section is as follows:
Show on image
Show below image
Show date
By enabling this checkbox you can show “Blog date” in the section.
Show author
By enabling this checkbox you can show “Blog author” in the section.
Show comments
By enabling this checkbox you can show “Blog comments” in the section.
Enable carousel on desktop
Use "Enable carousel on desktop" to show the slider carousel on the desktop screen.
Show tags
By enabling this checkbox you can show tags in the section.
Truncate post heading
By enabling this checkbox you can show blog description in maximum two lines.
In the section, blog description customization is as follows.
Show truncated content
Show read more button
By enabling this checkbox you can show “read more button” in the blog posts cards.
Uppercase read more
By using the "Uppercase read more" option, you can convert the button text to uppercase .
"Read more" style
Customization of the "Read more" style in the blog posts is as follows:
Outline button
Solid button
Customization of the "Style" in the blog posts section is as follows:
Color scheme
In this section, you can change the background and foreground color of a section using the color scheme.
Scheme 1
Scheme 2
Scheme 3
Scheme 4
Scheme 5
Mobile layout
The blog posts slides when the checkbox is activated and the blog posts does not slide when the checkbox is not active.