Announcement bar

You can add an announcement bar to your online store to display important information about your store.

You can highlight the following information by adding an announcement bar:

  • Any shipping delays or regions not accepting international shipments.

  • Any new or updated policy pages.

  • Any promotions are being offered at this time, such as sales or new gift cards.


Make section full width

By enabling this checkbox, you can make section in full width.

Show separator line

Enable this checkbox to show separator line below this section.

Show on home page only

Enable this checkbox to show this section in only home page.

Announce left content

Customization of the "Announce left content" in this section is as follows:

  • Social icon

  • Menu link

  • None

Announcement menu

Click on "Select menu" to add a menu in the announcement bar section.


Desktop font size You can adjust the font size and set it to the minimum size of “14px” and a maximum size of “26px.” Layout

Customization of the text layout in the announcement bar section is as follows:

  • Slider

  • Marquee

  • Auto rotate


Marquee scroll direction Use of "Direction" allows the rotation of the "Text" from left to right and right to left. Speed Speed is used to customize the scrolling speed of the text in the section. Pause on hover Pauses any active animation when the user hovers over the element.

Change message every

Use the bar to set the auto-rotate time of the text. You can set a minimum of “3” seconds and a maximum of “9” seconds.

Country/region selector

Enable currency switcher By enabling this checkbox, you can see country/region selector in the announcement bar section. Show country flag Enabling this feature will display flags next to country names.

Language selector

By enabling this checkbox, you can see Language selector in the announcement bar section.

Color scheme

In this section, you can change the background and foreground color of a section using the color scheme.

  • Scheme 1

  • Scheme 2

  • Scheme 3

  • Scheme 4

Mobile layout

Enable this checkbox to show announcement bar on mobile.

Add an announcement

Only one announcement bar section is available in the theme, but, there can be more than ten blocks in the announcement bar section with which you can add multiple announcement bars. Moreover, In the announcement bar section, you can only add announcement bar blocks.



In the section, the icons are given to select. are for selecting:

  • None

  • Apple

  • Banana

  • Bottle

  • Box

  • Carrot

  • Chat bubble

  • Check mark

  • Clipboard

  • Dairy

  • Dairy free

  • Dryer

  • Eye

  • Fire

  • Gluten free

  • Heart

  • Iron

  • Leaf

  • Leather

  • Lightning bolt

  • Lipstick

  • Lock

  • Map pin

  • Nut free

  • Pants

  • Paw print

  • Pepper

  • Perfume

  • Plane

  • Plant

  • Price tag

  • Question mark

  • Recycle

  • Return

  • Ruler

  • Serving dish

  • Shirt

  • Shoe

  • Silhouette

  • Snowflake

  • Star

  • Stopwatch

  • Truck

  • Washing

  • Chat

  • Caret

  • Arrow


Enter text to display as a announcement bar text on the section.

Last updated