Featured collection
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Last updated
Ideal for sales displays a collection of products such as new arrivals or adding products to any area of your store.
Enter text to display as a title in the section.
Hide heading
By enabling this checkbox, you have the ability to hide section heading.
Enter text to display as a description in the section.
Show collection description
By enabling this checkbox, you can show collection description from the admin.
Select a collection to display products in the section.
Maximum products to show
"Maximum products to show" is to specify how many products to show in a section. You can show a minimum of “2” and a maximum of “8” products.
Products per row
"Products per row" is to customize the column on the desktop screen. You can show a minimum of “2” and a maximum of “4” products.
Make products full width
By enabling this checkbox, you can make products full width.
Enable "View all" button
By enabling this checkbox, you can see "View all" button if list includes more collections than shown.
Use "Text" to add a label to the Button in the section.
Using this feature will display selected icon next to the button label.
Button style
Customization of the button style in this section is as follows:
As a link
No fill
Customization of "Layout" is as follows:
Product card
Show second image on hover By enabling this checkbox you can “Show the second image on hover”.
Show quantity By enabling this checkbox you can display the “Product quantity field”.
Show vendor By enabling this checkbox you can display the “Product vendor”.
Show countdown By enabling this checkbox you can display the “countdown timer”. Enable add to cart
Check this box to display the "add to cart" button in this section.
Show variants By enabling this checkbox you can display the “Product variants”. Type
If the type is "Dropdown," then the variant would be dropdown. And if the type is "Pills," then the variant would be Pills. The variant types are as follows:
As a plan text
Show color variant as swatch By enabling this checkbox, you have the ability to show color variant as swatch.
Enable color variant By enabling this checkbox will show the "Variant color."
Show inventory
Show inventory Check this box to display the "Inventory" in this section. Maximum stock Adjust maximum the stock for the stock countdown. Maximum product stock can be given up to "200". Limit stock cut off Adjust the limited stock cut-off for the stock countdown.
Limit stock message Display limit stock message.
In stock message Display the "In stock" message.
Continue selling message Display the "Continue selling" message. Colors Customize the colors of Limited stock, In stock and Continue selling text.
Image Use "Image" to add the image to the section. Image overlay opacity Modify this setting to increase or decrease the opacity level of the overlay on the banner image. Horizontal content alignment
Customization of the horizontal content alignment in this section is as follows:
Vertical content alignment
Customization of the vertical content alignment in this section is as follows:
Desktop content alignment
Customization of the desktop content alignment in this section is as follows:
Enable banner block By enabling this checkbox, you have the ability to enable banner block. Make block full width By enabling this checkbox, you can make banner block full width.
Full width banner position
Customization of the banner position in this section is as follows:
Above the product
Below the product
Full width banner height
Customization of the banner height in this section is as follows:
Adapt to image
Enable glass effect
Allows you to enable a glass-like effect for a modern and stylish appearance.
Banner position
Customization of "Banner position" is as follows:
Heading Enter text to display as a title in the section. Subheading Enter the text you would like to display as a subtitle above the title. Button label
Text Use "Text" to add a label to the Button in the section. Icon Using this feature will display selected icon next to the button label. Button link Use "Button link" to add a link to the Button in the section.
By using the "Open this link in a new window" option, the link will open in a new tab. Button style
Customization of the button style in this section is as follows:
As a link
No fill
Banner color
In this section, you can change the background and foreground color of a banner using the color scheme.
Scheme 1
Scheme 2
Scheme 3
Scheme 4
Marquee text
Text Enter text to display as a content in the section. Text and Background color Modifying the color of the marquee will result in a corresponding color change for the text and background. Text rotate range Sets the rotation angle range for text, allowing you to adjust its orientation.
Show section countdown By enabling this checkbox you can display the “countdown timer”. End date Add date here. The end date must be set to a future date and include the following format: YYYY/MM/DD Example: 2022/10/05.
Mobile layout
Number of columns on mobile
"Number of columns on mobile" is used for the customization of product columns in Mobile devices.
1 Column
2 Columns
Enable swipe on mobile When the checkbox is enabled, the products slides on mobile devices.