Additional Settings
Product review
You can use the "Product Reviews" app to add a customer review feature to your products. This lets your customers engage with your business, as well as each other, to encourage sales.
"Product reviews" app saves rating data in "Product rating" and "Product rating count" standard metafields. This means that your rating data is stored as additional data with your product. Because of storing this data in standard meta fields, it might be compatible with other apps. Other apps can also contribute to your product rating data by writing to these meta fields.
In this section
Using the app Add reviews to your website quickly and easily using the "Product reviews" app.
Importing and exporting reviews Understand how to import and export reviews using the "Product Reviews" app.
Managing reviews Manage the reviews that you get on your store.
Customization Customize the look and feel of your reviews and review form.
Advanced customization Customize the look and feel of your reviews and review form with more advanced CSS.
Enable customer accounts
You can make customer accounts essential or optional or disable them according to your choice. Moreover, customers redirect to a separate account creation page when creating an account.
To edit your customer account settings:
From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Checkout.
In the "Customer accounts" section, choose a customer account option:
Accounts are disabled: Customers will not get to see the option to create an account or to log in during checkout. They’ll have to manually enter their details at checkout because fields won’t be pre-filled. If the customer checks the "Save" this information for next time box, then a browser cookie saves the customer’s information for that store only.
Accounts are optional: Customers can choose to create an account, but it’s not mandatory to create an account to checkout. If customers have an account and are logged in, their address fields are pre-filled when they place an order. Customers have the option to log in through the Already have an account option. The login link is available above the e-mail entry field. Clicking this link prompts a customer to either enter their e-mail address and password, create a new account, or continue to checkout as a guest.
Accounts are required: Customers need to create an account or have an account and be logged in to complete the checkout. This setting is useful if you’re running a wholesale or members-only store, for example. Address fields are pre-filled when the customer places an order. Selecting Accounts are required doesn’t remove the option for your customers to create accounts
Click Save to confirm your customer account settings.
Enable dynamic checkout buttons
Customers can use the "Dynamic checkout" button to buy the product they’re viewing instantly. They can skip the cart and complete their payment with the checkout method that display on the Button. The Button dynamically changes to reflect the customer’s preferences which accelerates the checkout method.
All themes include Dynamic checkout buttons buttons and a secondary add-to-cart button that sends the customer directly to the “Checkout page” and completes the purchase with their choice of payment type.
To enable dynamic checkout in your theme:
From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store & Themes.
Click Customize.
In Product information section, click on Buy buttons.
Select Show dynamic checkout buttons.
Click Save.
Remove "Powered by Shopify"
Log in to your store admin. In your Shopify admin dashboard, go to Themes, and find the theme that you want to edit. When you see a dropdown section, select Edit code
Go to Sections > footer.liquid.
Press Ctrl + F (Command + F) and Search {{ powered_by_link }}.
Delete this line and click Save.
Last updated