Countdown with product
This section is taken into use to countdown with timer for special products or collections with a countdown timer and image.
Last updated
This section is taken into use to countdown with timer for special products or collections with a countdown timer and image.
Last updated
Background image
Add Background image to Countdown with product in full width
Background color
Add Background color to Display when 'Background img' not selected.
Enter text to display as a title on the section.
Heading size
Following is the font size customization of the heading of the section:
Heading alignment
Customization of "Heading alignment" as follows:
Enter text to display as a description in the section.
Description style
Customization of the "Description style" in the Image banner section is as follows:
Show countdown
Use "Show countdown" to show the show countdown on the desktop screen.
End date
The end date must be set to a future date and include the following format: YYYY/MM/DD Example: 2024/10/05.
Timer complete message
When completed your timer after apply Timer message
Button label
Click on the "Add block" and select the Button. Use "Button label" to add a label to the Button in the section.
Button link
Use "Button link" to add a link to the Button in the section.
Button style
Customization of the "Button style" in the image with text section is as follows:
Outline button
Solid button
Heading section color
In this section, you can change the background color of the Heading using the color scheme:
Accent 1
Accent 2
Accent 3
Background 1
Background 2
Select a collection to display collection in the section.
Maximum products to show
"Maximum products to show" is to specify how many products to show in a section. You can show a minimum of “2” and a maximum of “6” products to show.
Number of columns on desktop
"Number of columns on desktop" is to customize the column on the desktop screen. You can show a minimum of “1” and a maximum of “4” products.
Enable carousel on desktop
Use "Enable carousel on desktop" to show the slider carousel on the desktop screen.
Image ratio
Product image customizations in a section are as follows:
Adapt to image
Show second image on hover
By enabling this checkbox you can “Show the second image on hover.”
Show vendor
By enabling this checkbox you can display the “Product vendor.”
Enable swipe on mobile
The product slides when the checkbox is activated and the product does not slide when the checkbox is not active.