Featured Product
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Last updated
Enable sticky content on desktop
Enable the "sticky content" to show the product content the desktop screen.
Select a product to display product in the section.
Color scheme
In this section, you can change the background color of the Heading using the color scheme:
Accent 1
Accent 2
Accent 3
Background 1
Background 2
Show secondary background
Enable the "Show secondary background" to show the product the desktop screen.
Desktop layout
Customization of the "Desktop layout" in the Featured product section is as follows:
Thumbnail carousel
Hide other variants’ media after selecting a variant
Enable the "Hide other variants" media after selecting a variant.
Enable video looping
Enable the "Enable video looping" to show the add video product the desktop screen.
Mobile layout
Customization of the "Mobile layout" in the Featured product section is as follows:
Show Thumbnails
Hide Thumbnails
Following are the blocks you can add to your “featured product”.
If you include a link in social media posts, the page’s featured image will be shown as the preview image.
Following is the font size customization of the heading of the section:
Stock bar
"Stock countdown" is for customizing the product stock.
Maximum stock Adjust maximum the stock for the stock countdown. Maximum product stock can be given up to "200".
Limit stock cut off Adjust the limited stock cut-off for the stock countdown.
Limit stock message Display limit stock message.
In stock message Display the "In stock" message.
Continue selling message Display the "Continue selling" message. Colors Customize the colors of Limited stock, In stock and Continue selling text.
This block has no customizable settings. After adding this block, you will be able to view the product price.
Quantity selector
Show "Quantity selector" for your featured product section.
Variant picker
"Variant picker" is to customize the product variant.
Type The variant type is given below. If type "Dropdown" then the variant would be dropdown. and if the type is "Pills" then the variant would be pills.
Enable color swatches By enabling this checkbox you can show the "Variant color."
Buy buttons
Enable the Show dynamic checkout buttons box to display any dynamic checkout options enabled by you in your payments settings.
Enable the Show recipient information form for gift card products box to display gift recipient form
Clickable text that allows customers to share the product on social media. Text Input the text to be displayed in this section
Custom Liquid
Enter Custom liquid code to display in the section.
Product rating
To display a rating, add a product rating app